Saturday, September 6, 2008

life's song...

angle brought me here-guy sebastian
sayang sayang-alif aziz
just a friend-too phat

Let's sing together n follow the sequence k...hahaha


-Pinkie ChiRa- said...

nape ni tetibe ada nyanyi2 ni??

stress ka?

young_padwan said...

our life is a's just the mater how we sing the song...tul x chira?...hehe :p

there are msgs behind the song..haha

ala..i mengarut jek ni..tensen byk kejer...;)

-Pinkie ChiRa- said...

mannn.. you sound like some old philosopher. hahaha.

messages? like what. ak lantak dgr jek. hee~

cian nye mon cherie sebowk, xpe.. few more months to gooo.. jap lgyh raya.. mawuu duit raya!

young_padwan said...

duit raya?....cannnnoooooottttttttt!!!
i pn still dpt duit raya lg..xkejer lg mane leh bg duit raya..hehe :P
next yr i'll gv i double k chira...;)

-Pinkie ChiRa- said...


nak gak nak gak.

uwaaaaaaaaa. nak beli eskem byk2. xD

young_padwan said...

next year still can buy wht...:p

-Pinkie ChiRa- said...

shah kedekowts. *dush*

xmo kawan. xmo xmo.

Uena said...

nah amik,link~