Saturday, August 2, 2008


some "first thing" for today (till 1pm) :
  1. first time enter the blogging world
  2. first time have guts to waste my time for this blogging thing
  3. first time wake up coz the inul's song
  4. first time realized my spongebob 5 feet away from my bed when i woke up.
  5. first time i measured lagging time when chatting wif chira, only 35.56 s ...(accurate measurement equipment i'm using here; casio G-Shock GL-140)..hehehe

1 comment:

-Pinkie ChiRa- said...

hahahaha. ganas gler wessssss bler ko tido..

man. i feel so sorry for spongebob. xDD

LAGGGGGGGGGGG. laggggggggg.

lag 15 minitttttt.... laglaglag.